My Unexpected Heroes | Teen Ink

My Unexpected Heroes

October 17, 2014
By Kiara Castro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Kiara Castro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found "Caroline" Ann Arbor's article My Unexpected Heroes extremely moving. It is true what she said, a person doesn't necessarily need to have super powers, a cape, or a cool costume to be a hero. A hero can be anyone and their heroic act can be something as simple as saying "Hey are you ok?" to someone who might be going through a hard time, and even though they might say "I'm fine" when they really aren't they will know someone is there for them. Being a hero is about never giving up on what you believe will make a difference. When her doctor told Caroline she had a bone cyst on her spine and she would have to go through a dangerously life changing surgery she wasn't sad or angry. There was a possibility it could have been cancer but it wasn't, and that was a good thing, right? Then Abe and Jesse entered her life and helped her. They had heard about a procedure that would not impact her life style as much as the other one. The problem? It had never been done on a child. Knowing the risks were high Abe and Jesse never gave up to convince Caroline's doctor to use it even after many failed attempts. And because they never stopped fighting for Caroline's best interests she was able to return to her normal life, where she could run and play like nothing had happened. Abe and Jesse were her heroes, they saved her from having to go through an extremely painful surgery that would changer her life forever. Thank you Ann for this wonderful article reminding us that not all superheroes have capes.

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