1% Survival Rate | Teen Ink

1% Survival Rate

November 6, 2014
By J.ramirez SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
J.ramirez SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
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The article "1% Survival Rate" by Trey Buzzard", astonished me in more ways than I ever imagined. Trey wrote about his experiences with a rare genetic condition. Before him, no one diagnosed with this disease lived past the age of 10. After many doctors visits, days fillied with unimaginabe pain and countless operations and surgeries, Trey was the first person ever to be cured.
As a child, I always heard the saying "nothing is impossible", however I never believed it, thinking it was a lie to keep me from quitting and never reaching my goals. This article proved me wrong. Knowing that Trey survived from this disease that has a 1% survival rate opened my mind to realize that no matter how slim the chances are at succeeding, there is always a possibility that you will be victorious. After reading the article, whenever I have a problem and think that overcoming the burden is impossible, I will use Trey as my role model to keep me trying. I thank you Trey for sharing your story. You inspired one person and will inspire many more.

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