Review on "Devious Maids" reviewed by Lauren Padilla | Teen Ink

Review on "Devious Maids" reviewed by Lauren Padilla

December 7, 2014
By Claudia Iarikov SILVER, New York, New York
Claudia Iarikov SILVER, New York, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Devious Maids” review by Laura Padilla is a positive review on the T.V drama, “Devious Maids.” The review did not persuade me to watch the show; instead, it left me with more questions about it. The review focused three paragraphs on one character and didn’t provide any plot or information about the show. The review describes Evelyn, without telling us who she really is.
     I did not like the review. As I was reading it, I had so many questions that the review didn’t answer. There was no description of the plot and no references to any of the other characters. I felt like I was reading a biography, not a T.V show review. 

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