PJ's for Patients | Teen Ink

PJ's for Patients

December 5, 2014
By cgreene_44 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
cgreene_44 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“PJ’s for Patients” by Athena S. is a great story about a teen doing everything she can do to make others happy.  It’s great how she created Athena’s Owl at the age of 10 ,also, that she was so inspired and determined to help others fight cancer.  Most kids at such a young age don’t really understand what cancer is and what it means.  During her busy teen life, she made time to do great things for kids with cancer.  It’s sad to think about so many people that don’t even care.  It’s great, though, to hear about a student who cares so much that she created her own charity to give the children hospitals something warm and comfortable to wear instead of hospital gowns. 

I would love to do something like what Athena did.  I play basketball, so I think it would be really cool to get my team to do something like that.  We don’t necessarily have to create our own charity, but we could volunteer at one.  In my opinion, Athena is a great role model for many people.

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