Feedback on "Death With Dignity" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Death With Dignity"

December 9, 2014
By Anonymous

The article, "Death With Dignity," by Jessica Harris, appropriately addressed an issue that's resurfaced recently in the media. As all issues that become widely known are, the issue is backed by both supporters and disliked by opponents. Understandably, a few paragraphs is not enough to encompass the entirety of the issue, but I feel as if what was written made some solid points. Describing a possible scenario in which PAD (assisted suicide) was not an option, thus potentially ruining a family, there was some resonance between me and the writing. Should an individual being have the human right to avoid suffering? Even then, should it not be their own decision to decide their fate in a literal life or death situation? Without delving into the moral, political, and religious aspects of the situation, I did enjoy the article.
   Describing both the advantages and disadvantages of the subject, there was a subtle connection between me and the article. Having my own grandmother who's suffering from Alzheimer's and whose condition is steadily declining against all odds, I could certainly agree with the benefits of legal, assisted suicide. Should her condition ever arrive at a point in which ending pain should be a priority, to be able to convince her to give consent to partaking in PAD would be beneficial. The article starting strong by illustrating a scenario that ends with the line, "Her grandmother's death would spiral her into depression and indirectly cause her attempted suicide in 2013," really drives the point of the piece forward. Without a doubt, there will be controversy on the subject, but the author mentions and fights negative points with positive credit. "Bravo." is the term I'd use to summarize my reaction, "bravo" indeed.

*resubmitted to fix title and type of piece.

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