Personality is Golden | Teen Ink

Personality is Golden

December 12, 2014
By veronica wendt BRONZE, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
veronica wendt BRONZE, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Personality is Golden by Veronica Wendt



“Schools should treat ‘quiet’ as a personality trait”, said Kianna Blout in her piece  “Silence is Golden.” She explains how her teachers make the quieter students come out of their comfort zone and how they always feel inferior in class. These students are trying their personal best but are made to feel ashamed. The teachers say that the quiet person is not putting all their “effort.” The students might eventually feel bad about themselves if they answer a question wrong and their self confidence gets pushed down. This leads to “absent” in the gradebook. Grades drop, confidence sinks down, and they might even lose friends.
I love how Kiana spoke out about her feelings for the quiet people in the world. By her action, she let all the shy teens like her know that they're not alone. This piece also tells me that the more outgoing people should NOT judge the quiet students.
I can relate to the quiet students’ feelings when someone judges them. I am a more outgoing student. In the past I have judged a shy person and not have known them well. I now know from reading this article that I should really dig deep inside of a quiet person and pull out who they really are. I now will be more thoughtful about when I judge a person by their personality from the outside.

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