The Price of Generosity Review | Teen Ink

The Price of Generosity Review

February 16, 2015
By Luke Buchanan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Luke Buchanan BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Amrita B. portrays a different view of how to use your money in “The Price of Generosity.”  She starts by explaining what she has seen in Madrid, Spain that changed her attitude on giving to those in needs.  She simply states that depriving your self of just one drink “can have such an tremendous impact on another’s life.” 

I can relate to the feeling generosity creates.  It is a good feeling the same as volunteering your time or helping someone with something simple.  I volunteer at an animal shelter and not only feel happy about helping the animals, but it helps to take off stress from others.  Just being there let’s others know they aren’t the only ones who care.  The same can be done with donating just a little bit of money like Amrita.

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