Feedback on "The Golden Glow" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Golden Glow"

March 26, 2015
By bluebelugawhale GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
bluebelugawhale GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"april's day transcends november's year" ee cummings

"The Golden Glow" by Nicole Blackwood caught my eye first from the title, and then pulled me in with its intriguing ambiguity and hauntingly descriptive prose. This piece, reflection on a world where angels live on earth but seem more tired than angelic, begins with interesting descriptions of the real world. Familiar neighborhoods in New York are included, with an underlying uncertainty - why is there such a dark tone? Who are the creatures the author is describing? When all is finally revealed, the author managed to keep me interested, with stunning lines such as the following: "The world isn't black and white. These days, it's all black." This line, in its simplicity and yet flawless description, exemplifies the writer's skill. The author manages intrigue, good writing, and world-building so effortlessly I couldn't help but be impressed.

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