Feedback On Life as I Know It | Teen Ink

Feedback On Life as I Know It

October 7, 2015
By Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Maria_The_TMNT GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Life as I Know It" by Karen Charlotte brought tears to my eyes.  It is a piece about divorce and what comes with it.  It makes you realize that divorce is more than the split of a marriage.  It shows how it affects a child, how it takes their innocence and changes their life completely.  While reading, you realize that you shouldn't take your family being together for granted and that is a beautiful message.

This piece has given me a better understanding of what divorce is like from a child's point of view.  I think it affected me so much because I have friends that have divorced parents and it made me understand what they have been going through for years.  The line that touched me the most was "so I pick up the puzzle and put it away with the piece missing, and I deal with never having that piece again".  It shows you how divorce takes away part of your life and you need to live without it for the rest of your life.  Overall, this piece was well written and changed my outlook on life.

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