The Flaw in my Facebook | Teen Ink

The Flaw in my Facebook

November 5, 2015
By dauntlessannie GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
dauntlessannie GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What was “The Flaw in My Facebook?” This memoir, written by Kiara Huemer,  was an piece about procrastination. It was something everyone could relate to. Can’t you remember a project you left the last minute, thinking that you could whip something up quickly, giving the teacher the work she wanted but with the least amount of effort? Thought you could escape the homework with a nap? Kiara described how she had been paying attention to her Facebook rather than her homework. She gives a detailed recounting of how Facebook had been more interesting than her creative writing draft, how easily Facebook sucked her in, and how Facebook had held her interest. Besides the procrastination, Kiara gives an insight on the teenage mind. It shows how the teenage mind succumbs to the social media.
Procrastination seemed to be a habit of everyone. Most people believe they can do it in the morning rather than giving the full effort. Scribbled homework on crumpled looseleaf is believed to be acceptable. Social media has always captured teenage minds. It was always a distraction and it always seemed to win. Kiara says, “on Facebook I escape life…” Escaping reality seemed to the number one reason everyone uses the Internet. In Kiara’s piece, she’s scrolling through Facebook and mentions quests to grow corns and pigs, “Overeager Cally” posting food pictures, and unknown people. Social media captures our attention because it focuses on other users rather than on yourself. So what is “The Flaw in My Facebook?” It’s the amount of my attention that’s dedicated to Facebook or the homework that’s left undone.

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