The Selection Series by Leilani Osmundson | Teen Ink

The Selection Series by Leilani Osmundson

February 18, 2016
By MarissaPA BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MarissaPA BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I disagree with Leilani Osmundson on her review of " The Selection Series". The book may be crossed between " The Hunger Games" and "The Bachelor" but it is not what the book is about. What I had gotten from the book is how one has to do what it takes to show how we girls are not all the same. America may switch "her devotion from Maxon to Aspen" but it shows how strong she is to still find love. There may not be much action as in "The Hunger Games" but it still similar. Two girls from lower class families being brought into a fancy life but still being who they are. It shows how girls are able to stay strong even if it invovles "So little action". Thank you Leilani for your book review on one of my favorite book series.  

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