Playing God | Teen Ink

Playing God

February 18, 2016
By Neko_line BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Neko_line BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I found James Craig's article," Playing God," was extremely unexpected, the fact that the author was dicussing about lobsters. However,he did create create a whole new perspective to what others see through their eyes. James write,"As I heard back to my booth I realize something:what that lobster saw was not a hungry teenager. That lobster saw a god." At first I honestly thought that this person was crazy, describing the pain and terrifying decisions on who will die, but getting the idea of what others or especially animals think,made me realize there will be people who would think differently of you or probably misjudgement by your apppearance or actions,which I agree with the author. Thank you,James for dicussing a broad topic on judgment and viewpoints.  

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