Over a Text | Teen Ink

Over a Text

February 18, 2016
By _juhlay BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
_juhlay BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      I found Emma Honsowetz's article "Over a Text", extremely moving and relatable. Mostly everyone at some point in their life, has been in a relationship and received or sent a breakup text. I agree with Emma when she wrote "... some things are easier done over the phone... but ending a relationship not one of them". Why would anyone want to put someone in that position, to break a person's heart over the phone. If the breakup was completely necessary, then one should do it correctly, in person, and not the cowardly way and do it via text message.

     I strongly agree with the idea that if you're going to love someone and then end it, you must do it right. Thank you, Emma! You helped shine the light over the unnecessary pain one goes through when breaking up over text. Hopefully people resonate with your heartfelt words and think twice before pressing send on that "It's over" text.

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