Response to "My Grandfather Said" | Teen Ink

Response to "My Grandfather Said"

May 8, 2016
By Anonymous

In "My Grandfather Said" by Hannah M., her grandfather teaches her important lessons about life, one of which includes "The elephant in the room with Billy Elliot is that he was gay." She goes on to explain how she addressed her "elephant", repeating the words "I'm gay" as if it would somehow lose meaning if said too much. She shows how she escapes from the truth, and everything ends up okay.


I feel like I can personally relate to this situation, but also that it can be related to universally. Unfortunately, even in this day and age, the world continues to slander homosexuality as if it were a bad thing. Parents claim it as a "phase" and fellow classmates tease and make fun of them. I sexually identify as a bisexual, but I've always been too afraid to say it, because even in present time, so many people dislike and blame everything on people who are not identified as straight or heterosexual. Hannah, I want to thank you for sharing this poem. It's taught me a lot, and definitely hit close to home for me. I wish that I could be as brave as you, and profess my sexuality to someone—even if it is this magazine. 

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