Why I Need to Go to College | Teen Ink

Why I Need to Go to College

September 29, 2016
By MasterErick64 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
MasterErick64 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Why I Need to Go to College”  by Amy from Hillburn, NY explains how her mother sacrificed her life for her child. Amy’s mother got pregnant at the age of 15 and was struggling to make money for her baby girl, so she decided to go to America to make money for her child’s happiness and college. Her family has sacrificed so much. For example, her grandma took care of her while living in Guatemala.

       I think she should go to college, but I don't think she needs to go to college. There are so many successful people that don’t have a college education. For example Steve Jobs after dropping out of college started making Apple devices that are still used today to change lives and do many things we couldn't do without them. In addition, many of the best soccer players couldn't afford to go to school, but then their life changed when they were noticed and started playing soccer for a professional soccer team. Nowadays they are making millions of dollars per day while doing the thing they love. It's not about going to college, it's about doing the thing you love and making a living of it. Instead of using the money for college, she could make a business or job using the money before she makes a life decision of going to college for 6 years.

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