Views | Teen Ink


September 29, 2016
By Maxpotter3 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Maxpotter3 BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Views” by Sara Gomez is a excellent read that shows how Drake really did start from the bottom and has finally made it into mainstream music. You can tell that she is a dedicated fan of him because of her vast knowledge of his work. She gives her takes on the albums and songs which are very insightful. Sara gives a review of his songs that are both popular and unheard of.
I am as well a big Drake fan and agree with all of her statements in this article. I also can relate to her when she says that the most emotional song to her is “Keep the Family Close.” Sara makes good analogies with his albums and other subjects that may appeal to the readers. She talks about his lyrics and how they make her feel and I could describe my feeling for his songs in the same way. Like the time she compared “Too Good” to waves crashing on a beach. Sara talks about her experiences listen to the songs for hours on end and I think that a lot of today’s youth can relate to what she is describing.
Max Potter, Oak Bluffs, MA

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