Invisible Damage | Teen Ink

Invisible Damage MAG

January 9, 2017
By TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
TaylorAddington SILVER, Defiance Ogio, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reading the piece “Invisible Damage” by Mikhayla Dunaj, I felt heartbroken. Her description of abusive relationships left me shocked. I think it’s crazy that girls are experiencing abuse at the hands of their boyfriends. I’m disappointed that our society places so much emphasis on looks and power. This contributes to girls being treated badly. Rap songs and pop songs influence youth to think treating women this way is okay and normal. It’s not. Fortunately, not all guys are like this.

Women need to learn how to be independent and respect ourselves and others. “I know I’m not the only one to make this mistake,” Mikhayla writes. She’s right; many young women are going through what she is. “It’s your fault we lost,” said her abusive boyfriend. What a horrible thing to say when she went to the game to support him.

I want women to know that they should expect to be treated with respect. Two people in a relationship should have respect for each other. Trust each other. Love each other.

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