Review of "Your Locker, Now that You're Gone" | Teen Ink

Review of "Your Locker, Now that You're Gone"

October 26, 2017
By Anonymous

In the passage “Your Locker, Now that you’re Gone” by Xander B. the main character gives us a glimpse into the thoughts about his old friend who is gone now.  The character left his friend and states that they are glad they are gone now, and they won’t be missed. It tells of how they see the friend’s old locker in the halls, only this time it’s a girl who owns the locker. But sometimes on the passage they are sad and emotional about the ended friendship. I only thought this because they start so many sentences of theirs with the word maybe.  For example, when it goes on to say, ”Maybe a small part of me is happy that this isn’t your locker anymore. Maybe I’m happy that there is no chance of seeing your face in these haunted hallways.” I love when it says the statement, “Actually I am very glad.” I think that is bold to say.

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