Choking | Teen Ink


August 23, 2010
By Anonymous

he said it. he actually said, to the entire parish, that homosexuals should "keep it private, not public." i, too, believe in the sanctity of the church, but civil unions don't need to be religious, and he very clearly referred to both unions and marriage. my very own pastor…i'm speechless. breathless, actually. my mom was sitting next to me, and she couldn't look at me. did he realize that some of his parishioners that day were homosexuals? probably. did he care? probably not. i couldn't handle the fact that the entire church probably agreed with him, for the most part. the local leader of my religion just publicly slammed the people of my sexuality who were eager to show their love for one another in a more serious way. torn between religion and self-interest, i left the church confused about my personal beliefs. would it be hypocritical, or rather frankly idiotic, if i was a gay teen who didn't support gay marriage? what if i was a catholic who didn't hold that strongly catholic belief? which was i most "loyal" to? i had been raised catholic, but i had recently understood my sexuality. my religion, now, started to choke me; i'm force fed by my mom, who wants me to finish confirmation because she wants to pass it down to me and because she wants me to have a set of beliefs and morals and values that she thinks will lead my life into the "right" direction. it's truly upsetting, and i just wish that she would stop beating on my eardrums for just twenty seconds, so i could show her from my perspective for once.

And Then, I Could Finally Take A Breath.

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This article has 1 comment.

paperflowers said...
on Sep. 9 2010 at 8:27 am
paperflowers, Imaginary, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 176 comments
wow... that sounds awful. but just so you know, I am a religious C.atholic (meaning that I actually do take it seriously) and I disagree with your pastor. My mom is too, and I know from something she "liked" on fb that she is not anti-ga.y. When I was Confirmed I was sad because it seemed like there were only three of us in the whole group of 7th and 8th graders who actually cared about Confirmation. Most of them didn't even go to church and were only doing it because their parents (who also don't go to church) wanted them to. It is possible that another church wouldn't be like that. My church, at the current time, is not very contemporary, but not super conservative either. Nice writing, although the grammar/lack of paragraphs did bother me a bit (grammar freak).