Back In The Day | Teen Ink

Back In The Day

May 13, 2010
By Anonymous

When you look up cliques in the dictionary, they should have a picture of Arrowhead High School next to it. We are the definition of cliques. Whether you’re a sports fanatic or book worm, there’s a clique for you whether you like it or not. You may not always see it when you walk through the door, but after a few minutes to hours spent here, it all becomes clear. It’s crazy to think people could be so split up into little groups so easily and without anyone arguing that they should be in this group or that. But when you look at it, we are all really the same. Some may be in one clique but like the same thing another person likes who is in a totally different clique but would never even realize it because the cliques wouldn’t dare confront each other. The only way you may ever find out is if a teacher makes you two work together in a class no matter how many times you plead them to let you work with your friend. After a while, you realize, “Hey, this person likes a lot of the same things I do, yet there in a totally different group than me.”
How does this work, and why does this happen the way it does? Why don’t we just go back to the days when you could just talk to whomever you wanted, when it didn’t matter if you were in every sport or could care less about sports? There are times when I wish I could go back to the days when this was, because cliques are the reason I have a totally different group of friends. I wouldn’t mind hanging out with those people again because you spent everyday with those people for the past 8 grades and some of those were the greatest days spent without a care in the world or worrying about whether or not you had the coolest shoes or the newest things, it was always just about who you were as a person, and just being yourself.

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