Let's Go Fishing | Teen Ink

Let's Go Fishing

January 24, 2011
By Anonymous

In the summer, I like to go fishing. I like to catch fish and see the ones I got. By the time I leave I got a lot of fish. That’s why I think fishing is the best outdoor activity.
There are many types of fishing so you can fish all year. There’s ice fishing in winter. Fly fishing in spring and summer. There is deep sea fishing. Catfish fishing in fall and etch.
Many people enjoy fishing because they realize fishing is really fun. According to allbusiness.com, over sixty million people get fishing licenses’ a year in the U.S., and it generates over forty five billion dollars annually. According to boatworktime.com, forty five percent of anglers come from big cities.
Fishing gives children a strong respect for nature. The “Take Me Fishing Team” from takemefishing.org, says “Activities like boating and fishing aren’t just fun ways to get outdoors, but they’re also a great opportunity for parents to spend quality time with their kids and reconnect them to nature”
So instead of staying inside, playing videogames all day go outside. Go to the park, and go fishing.

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