Let the People Love | Teen Ink

Let the People Love

July 24, 2011
By courtneyloux13 SILVER, West Sand Lake, New York
courtneyloux13 SILVER, West Sand Lake, New York
8 articles 2 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dreams come true only for those who have the courage to take action."

Times are obviously changing at a rapid pace. We’re in this period of time where bookstores are disappearing, technology never leaves our side and our beloved educators are fighting for the chance to make a difference, barely hanging onto their jobs.

And while all this is going on I’m amazed that people still find a way to cry and moan about same sex marriage. These people hold their protest signs high, but their heads even higher. Who are they to say two people who love each other aren’t allowed to get married? Religion? Not everyone believes in the same God, not everyone has a religious preference to begin with. Therefore, not one person or one religion has a greater say in the matter.

But religion aside, a commitment between two people, gay or straight, shouldn’t be of anyone else’s concern. If it’s not affecting you then why include yourself in the situation? Laws change with time; it’s all a matter of context. People can fight the uniting of gay couples throughout New York but in a day and age where there are so many bigger issues than two people in love getting married, every minute wasted on protesting is another minute people could be using to actually do something beneficial instead of spreading hate.

Instead of shouting “Let the people vote!” we should be shouting, “Let the people love!”

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