Physical vs. mental | Teen Ink

Physical vs. mental

October 22, 2012
By BCS248 GOLD, Calgary, Other
BCS248 GOLD, Calgary, Other
12 articles 2 photos 6 comments

"The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It's your mind you have to convince." - Vince Lombardi

The human body is a miracle. Think about it, we physical abuse ourselves every day with sports, work, accidents, playing, and even self-inflicted harm. And none of it with a few exceptions really stops us from carrying on with life in every way. God blessed us with a body that he designed to perfection in every way. But funnily enough he also gave us a brain and a will of our own. And therein lies our downfall. Not in a physical hindrance but in a mental one. People underestimate the effect ones thoughts can have on their life. As cliché as it sounds to a certain respect you are what you think. Even the most carefree lighthearted person could be fighting an unbearable battle against the negative outposts inside their own head. People mentally put themselves down every single day. If only there was some way to have someone or something that could be there to tell you, you are enough, that voice in your head is lying, You are a beautiful, talented, child of God and absolutely nothing is ever going to change that.

The author's comments:
Have you every witnessed someone not living up to their potential simply because they are caught in their own head? I wish I could just go up to those people and shake them out of that self induced stupor and make them realize they are good enough to do what every they set there mind to.

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