Truth Is | Teen Ink

Truth Is

February 8, 2013
By bigZ1 SILVER, Cut City, Other
bigZ1 SILVER, Cut City, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Truth is older you get the more you understand things around you, but often times things change, sometimes for the good or the bad, when your young you think you know everything, but in reality you don't, the ones who have grown to find out they didn't know it all when they where young. The older I got the more I understood about things going on around me, I use to be angry about everything a lot, but the older i got the more I learned to control my anger, I hate it when someone says they don't belong or no one cares about them, when truth is, someone does, no one should go suicide, it's not worth it, things will get better eventually, i've been through that path before, but I caught myself before it was to late, the day i grew older,, i told my self i'm better then this, and things will get better, when life knocks you down, don't give up, don't take the easy way, fight it, just get right back up, because your future will get better.

The author's comments:
the truth about growing up and not giving up on trying to understand life

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