Be Yourself | Teen Ink

Be Yourself

May 2, 2013
By emides10 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
emides10 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Emilie,

This has to be the most awkward time in your life, right? I mean middle school is rough. It’s jungle of sweaty, insecure, hormone-crazy kids, and you’re just one little fish in the big sea. I know that at this point, you’ve given up. It’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing and how everyone else is acting. But I just want to tell you one thing; something that may seem simple, but I swear to you, it will do you good later on.
Be yourself.
You’ve heard it a million times before, and you will hear a million times later on. It is such a simple sounding piece of advice, but really it is a common thin that people have problems following. It also implies the importance of not letting anyone else influence you, and expressing your individuality and uniqueness. Stop wearing so much makeup and putting on those clothes that make you feel so uncomfortable just because everyone else is doing it. What you’re doing is hiding yourself. What you think are flaws, really just make up who you are, and who’s to say what you should and shouldn’t wear? Insecurity is only temporary, but individuality has to be established now.
I know it’s hard. Everyone’s pressuring you to be a certain way, and to fit in. But I know that you are more than what you let people see at school. The fun-loving, crazy, singer that you only let your family see is just waiting to be known and to be shown. Be yourself Emilie, and you will discover a newfound confidence within you. You’ll stop searching for popularity and acceptance, and start living your life free from the burdens of keeping up and image. Believe that you’re special and everything will be alright. Trust me.

Sincerely, E

The author's comments:
To my middle school seld

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