Fear and Love | Teen Ink

Fear and Love

May 15, 2013
By MadSilver GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
MadSilver GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Fear is something confided in all of our hearts. It is something that we all have to eventually face. We try to run from it for as long as we can, but eventually it catches up with us. Fear continues to torment us, and never goes away. Fear changes forms, like how when we were kids, we might have been afraid of the dark or maybe dogs. When we grew up, it became things like our father’s, or failing a test. Even when you get over a fear, it comes back in a different form.
Love is a counter-part to fear. Love is a sign that you trust someone enough to have your heart and not break it. We don’t fear the ones we love, we cherish them. They become so important that we do not need to fear anything. We are only capable of love after we learn that fear does not rule you, or make you do things that you do not want.
But, as if in an instant, the fear returns. The one you love betrays you, and the fear creeps into the little cracks that were made. It consumes us and our souls disappear. They have taken them from us, you become like me. A soulless creature, just waiting to be saved. We learn that love is a game that can never be won, and we learn that fear does rule us all.

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