Thoughts of a thinker? | Teen Ink

Thoughts of a thinker?

June 20, 2013
By Anonymous

You know those times when you stare out in the open and think about life and stuff? Is all that thinking supposed to help us with our decisions or change our perspective on everything? Honestly, I don't know why I'm writing this down here. Maybe I just need to get it out of my system. Talk to somebody about this. So here you go.
I'm scared. I don't know why though. I just feel so weird. Life's moving too fast and I don't know what to do. I remember my first day school as if it was just yesterday and now I'm giving my A levels! It's like life's on a fast forward motion. I want everything to slow down a bit. But well, that's not gonna happen now, is it?

I think about the future sometimes. Actually a lot. Where will I be in 10 years? Hopefully doing my residency somewhere in the US or UK, but that's just what i want. What if it doesn't happen? I know life never turns out the way we expect it to but what are the chances of my dreams coming true?

Speaking of dreams. I wanna study medical- be a doctor, a good one. Will i be able to do it? I mean we all know how hard this field is. And I was never this brilliant student. Sure I have the passion and I'm ready to dedicate my life to this profession but what if i never get to live my dream?

I guess in a way I'm afraid of this change that's happening. People say the only thing constant in this universe is change but what if that change is something i fear yet welcome?
Despite all my fears, I can't wait to see what the future holds for me. In the end we all get what we deserve right? The future is a scary ride and since there's no escape I might as well try to enjoy it.

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