Passion, Not Attitude | Teen Ink

Passion, Not Attitude

February 11, 2015
By Jason Luisi BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Jason Luisi BRONZE, Cumberland, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Dad calls it attitude; a spontaneous outburst that embodies disrespect, lack of discipline and no self-restraint; stubbornness. I call it passion. Standing up instead of sitting down, speaking out instead of biting my tongue. Not being afraid of being heard.

Believe it or not, my adolescent mind focuses on more than just food and sleep. I think about injustice, hypocrisy, and a loathing for the intolerant. World Peace (if such a feat is obtainable) and whether or not it’s realistic. This ‘passion’ of mine comes out when I hear these things on the news, and it comes out harder when people disregard it. Human beings burning others alive, abusing, raping, and killing one another because their ‘God’ told them it was right.

Whether you believe in God, Abba, Yahweh, Allah, or anything else, it all originated from the same theology. Regardless of how we got here, most religions havea “one true God” whom chose a “prophet” or “disciple” to spread His word and to help man achieve Salvation. The God also told his followers a set of core principles that are universal to every person on Earth; rights if you will, that preach the Golden Rule: “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” So why the hell are groups using religion as a scapegoat to justify their crimes?
My opinion, they don’t care. They don’t care as long as it gets them more power.

And for the longest time I couldn’t help to admire them. Rather, to organize a single group to become so dedicated and willing for a single cause. The reason may be spotty, but dictators throughout history have been successful in rallying support. Why hasn’t anyone tried to do that for peace? If conflict no longer exists in the world, than won’t the world live in a state of prosperity and bliss? Or am I just an idealist child that isn’t experienced enough to know better?

I’m not sure of the answer, but I’m not giving up on that idea until I find the answer for myself. Be it stubbornness or passion, this trait is tailored to my very will. The same passion that comes out when I have to take out the trash comes out when I hear about bombings. The reasons might be different, but the results are the same; passion.

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