Human Nature | Teen Ink

Human Nature

June 2, 2015
By penny_lane BRONZE, Port Angeles, Washington
penny_lane BRONZE, Port Angeles, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all go through rough times; I don’t believe that there is a single person who has a perfect life. Yes, there are people who put on a mask so that others will believe that there life is perfect, but behind every closed door is truth. Behind these doors we lock up our truths we never want to be discovered. We work and work at making sure these doors stay closed and our truths stay secrets. It is a burden we have taken as mandatory to carry. Although, some of us are lucky to find someone that they can share some of these truths with; but, even though most of us won’t admit it we will never tell all of our truths. I seriously think that when people say: so and so is my best friend, they know literally everything about me that they are full of it. There are very few friends, even best friends that actually share every deep thought, secret, embarrassment, and judgment with one another. It is human nature to keep things locked inside.

The author's comments:

Seeing and expierencing peoples going through immense embarrasment when their secrets are discovered inspired me to get this out into the world. I hope people will realize true human nature from reading this and admit to themselves that they too are a lot like this.

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