My Perspective On Beauty | Teen Ink

My Perspective On Beauty

April 7, 2016
By isabella.villegas02 BRONZE, Pilesgrove, New Jersey
isabella.villegas02 BRONZE, Pilesgrove, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine a girl who is walking around with a  hunched back hoping people don't see her because her hair is constantly pushed in her face covering her beautiful blue eyes. You can see right through her, flaws and all because if she's not showing off all her curves, the way her fat roll looks like nothing if she just sits up straight. The only thing you see is that fat roll. Always there. That is because she looks at herself as if she's nothing but this fat girl so why should you look at her any different. Right? Beauty, this word that gets twisted and turned until its true meaning is lost. Beauty is not your pant size or how other people see you at all. It's not just about the beauty in people but being able to recognize the special parts in everything around you. The way the raindrops fall onto the leaf. That picture perfect flower as soon as it blooms. Or even the way the flower looks right before it wilts.


Everything has beauty and if you can see this your life will be easier and more peaceful. It starts with the way you portray yourself, if you show everyone the reason you're special and and so pretty then everyone will see it too.
The way you look at yourself is exactly how others will look at you. This Is evident when you see people like superstars or rock stars. If you saw people like Taylor Swift on the street as an everyday person i bet you wouldn't be like wow she’s really pretty. Since she and many other famous people portray themselves in such a positive way you have to too. That’s one thing that’s missing with most people these days. Although thats all you hear about is girls worrying about their body weight, self portrayal goes oceans deeper than that. Boys, girls, adults, all try to fit in societies bubble. Sometimes it's easier for boys because they have more of the fat burning stuff in their bodies but that isn't their excuse. They just have a bigger box they can fit in and still be considered “accepted’,

A reason I think girls think they have a tighter box the “need” to fit into is the use of makeup. When you see Taylor Swift for example she probably has makeup to hide any kind of blemish that she could ever have. This doesn't make someone who has to deal with acne but doesn't have the time and/or money for all the expensive makeup or just doesn’t know how to properly apply it. Now it is rare you see a boys with makeup on so you kind of just have to understand that there are going to be the blemishes because they don't have that standard raised for them. A life without worrying about lipstick smears, spending your money on sephora, clumpy mascara, perfect eyebrows, and more. The worst thing of it all some people feel as though they can't go without it or they will get rejected. No  I'm not saying makeup is this terrible and everyone who uses it is fake. Not my point at all. It's just it is a big standard raiser. Although, some say that makeup makes them less insecure and that's great. I just think it is more important to feel comfortable in your own skin than under hundreds of dollars of product. Now I also can’t say I understand all the struggles that boys have that girls just don't understand. But I can’t really portray my thoughts on that until I get a full look on their side of the topic. All in all it's not even what's on the outside, as you hear time and time again what's on the inside is what really counts in the long haul.


“Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.”
-Markus Zusak, I Am The Messenger. 

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