Julius Caesar | Teen Ink

Julius Caesar

February 21, 2019
By equeena BRONZE, Marshall, Missouri
equeena BRONZE, Marshall, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, some people were loyal to Caesar even so after his death as others had ambitions for something else that did not include having Caesar around in the future. For Rome’s future it was thought that what they did was for the better. What happened to Rome after the assassination of Julius Caesar? Rome had big changes after Caesar was killed. Was it really for the best or was it out of something else? What would happen after you die on Earth? Will everything be the same or change? Would the loyalty and ambition your “acquaintances” had, die with you or stay?

“With Caesar gone, Rome spiralled into another cycle wars, which resulted in one of the most significant constitutional transformation in history” (The Telegraph). Brutus and Cassius left and they were building up their own army. Things weren’t going the way they expected and planned after they killed Caesar. Antony found out about their plan, he told Octavius, “So, we should combine forces and organize our allies, pull together our friends, and stretch our resources as far as they’ll go” (Shakespeare's Play). He wanted to form his own army and fight. So when they met, they agreed to battle, it was closely fought but Cassius and Brutus  committed suicide (DailyHistory). After the wave of civil wars ended, Brutus and Cassius were dead, the senate was no more. “The assassination of Caesar was motivated by a desire to restore the old Republican system and to restore the influence of the Senate. In essence the assassination was a spectacular failure. Instead of restoring the republic, the old Roman Republic was destroyed” (DailyHistory).

Brutus didn’t want a king, he wanted to keep everything how it was, while the conspirators disliked Caesar and wanted him gone. When Caesar died, the senate, they thought that once they killed him that the people would be behind them and be happy of what they did. But the people were easily persuaded by whatever someone would say. Marc Antony was loyal to Caesar even after his death. He never had the desire or ambition to betray Caesar, Antony was loyal to him till the end. “That’s all I ask-- and that you let me carry his body to the marketplace and, as a friend ought to do, stand on the platform and give proper funeral oration” (Julius Caesar Book). Brutus gave permission for Antony to give his speech which wasn’t smart of him, Antony had this planned, he would give a speech and stir up the crowd. When Antony’s speech is over the crowd goes crazy. “...The senate wisely gathered to settle of the affairs of the state before things unravelled too far” (UNRV RomanHistory).The senate is trying not only to calm themselves but the people too. Which didn’t seem to work as they grew into a murderous mob who hurt, and killed whoever got in their way.

The citizens of Rome were fickle and easily persuaded. When Brutus went to give his speech on why they killed Caesar they wanted to crown him as king because of what he said in his speech. “What Brutus didn’t realize was that Antony would take the opportunity to turn Rome upside down” (UNRV Roman History). Marc Antony comes and gives his planned speech and the crowd starts a roar. It was Antony’s plan as a way to avenge Caesar. If Brutus had not agreed to let Antony give his speech then maybe the way things turned would of been better, and Cassius did not like the idea of the Antony giving a speech. If only had Brutus would of listened or thought more about it. Antony held up Caesar’s will and the crowd went crazy wanting to know what was in his will. Many were surprised that he made Octavian, his grand nephew, his heir. “The death of Caesar cleared the way for the rise of Octavian and he was prove to be one of the most calculating and brilliant politicians in the entire Roman era” (DailyHistory). His time came after the mess that the conspirators made was all cleaned and most things were made right again, before he could take his place the situation Rome had, had to be cleared up. “Many welcomed the stability that he offered and he governed the empire wisley” (DailyHistoy).

Would the loyalty and ambition your “acquaintances” had die with you? Or stay? Caesar’s assassination made huge impact from all things big and small. Rome had struggles and troubles without him there to fix. The Senate couldn't control the citizens of Rome. They went on a rampage. Even though everyone had their troubles and Rome was in a sticky situation, it got better with time as Octavius came. Octavian learned from the mistakes Caesar made, he learned what went wrong and made sure for it didn’t happen again. And with that it lead Rome to a better place in the future.

Work Cited

DailyHistory, 10 January 2019.

The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 9 February 2019.

UNRV Roman History, BCF Group, 2019.

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