Emma | Teen Ink


May 8, 2019
By Anonymous

A hero in my life, although to many they may seem like a burden, is my sibling. My sister Emma acts as a hero in my life because of the many things we have been through together. Before I entered high school she was not even my friend, but once we both got older and matured, she started to become one of my best friends. She has provided me with advice and help over the past year that I am very thankful for. She will be leaving for college next year, but I believe that we will continue to stay in touch and become even closer as we get older. My sister Emma has acted as a hero in my life because of the support, guidance, and friendship she has provided to me over the last year.

There are many reasons why my sister could be considered one of my heroes, but the most important reasons include her support, advice, and friendship. My sister and I have been through three divorces in our immediate family. I had a hard time accepting the first divorce between my mom and dad, and when I could not go to them to talk about it I could go to her. The second two divorces, one being like the first and the second being a good thing for my entire family, were not as life-changing as the first, but when I needed someone to talk to she was always there. She has helped me with family issues, friends, and even the simple things such as school work. She always has my back, especially at times where I am in an argument with my parents; she helps them to come to a fair conclusion. We have become closer than ever over the past year because of school and her learning to drive. We spend much more time together now and have more time for conversations in the car rides.

Finally, my sister Emma, my hero, has proven to be a hero in my life by showing me support, guidance, and friendship. She has gained much more maturity over the last year, which helps her to do these things, and helps me to realize them even more. She has shown me thorough support this year in times of need, such as family issues. She has provided me with guidance in things such as friendships, board, school, and many important decisions. Finally, I have found a great friend in her this year just by spending more time together. My sister Emma acts as a hero in my life not only by being a great older sister, but by being a mentor and friend.

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I play soccer.

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