20 Obects | Teen Ink

20 Obects

May 26, 2022
By joshualocke07 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
joshualocke07 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I recently got into tennis and I've been improving faster than someone with my experience should be. I found a sudden love for the sport and now I always have the urge to play. I don't know what caused this sudden infatuation with the sport but I'm not complaining whatsoever. To play tennis you need a racket and tennis balls. And my racket and tennis balls mean a lot to me because they enable me to be able to play tennis, and for that, I'm grateful for them. I am very sure that I would not be able to function without my phone, I’m dead serious. My phone is my life and I don't think I'll be able to do anything without it. It's my main means of interaction with other humans and that interaction would be severely hindered without my phone. With that alone, I wouldn't be able to continue. 

Basketball is my life, as I’ve been playing it since the beginning of it. I started playing basketball before I could even talk and it's been my main pride ever since. Anything negative that I may be feeling will disappear completely the moment I touch a basketball. It's a way of relief, joy, and competition. And those three things, as is, are some of the main propellants of my existence. My basketball shoes also play a role in my ability to play basketball. My computer and laptop kind of go hand in hand as they both have virtually the same function. Gaining knowledge is a big part of who I am, and my PC and laptop both provide a service for that. They also allow me to play video games, an extension on that competition aspect about me that I mentioned earlier. Dumbbell is sort of a general term for working out. During quarantine I used to be 50 pounds heavier believe it or not. And dumbbells along with other workout equipment enabled me to lose that 50 pounds. I have not been content with my body for a very long time, and dumbbells allowed me to be; to be happy with the person staring back at me in the mirror. 


My bracelets are also an understated part of who I am. It may not seem like much but, I've come to love them as a part of me. I don't know why per se but they just are. Nathan won me my first bracelet and I was really upset when it broke, but I cherish the memories that came with that bracelet. Music is also another part of who I am, music is a way of expression and they help me with that as well. Music can help me amplify a mood or negate one, and I am so grateful for my airpods as they enable that for me. None of my electronics would function without, well, electricity, and my chargers provide a service for that. My pets also mean a lot to me, another source of joy, which I cherish, and I know what I would do without them. 

Another big part about the massive bodily transformation I went through was protein. Protein plays a big role in helping develop muscle. And my transformation would have been delayed quite a bit without the help of protein, so for that it means a lot to me. My blender also enables a portion of my protein intake in the form of shakes and drinks. As well as chicken, chicken also enables another aspect about protein. My backpack means a lot to me as it allows me to carry virtually whatever I need for the day whether that be books for school, my basketball shoes, my laptop, or anything really. Now that I think about it, I’m able to do so much more with my backpack. Another under-appreciated item in my life. I’m a noticer, and what I mean by that is that I pick up on the little things that people shouldn't really pick up on. One thing that I pick up on, is how people smell. I don't even realize it sometimes, but I make so many assumptions about people based on that. And cologne allows me to control what other people might pick up on and assume about me. Puzzles, which surprised me when I thought about it, enable part of the joy aspect about me. They provide an unexpected sense of happiness. Maybe it's the dopamine that the completion of one gives, which is most probable, but I really enjoy them.

The author's comments:

I wrote a list of 20 things that mean something to me, and wrote about each.

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