Holocaust? | Teen Ink


October 8, 2018
By Clanoue GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
Clanoue GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Holocaust was a tragic event that killed many people. Along the group of people killed were the Jewish. They were mass murdered because Adolf Hitler blamed them for the economic struggles of Germany. There are many other incidents where things like this happened. The world has constantly struggle with separating religions. There have been many times where churches, Synagogues, and mosques have been set to flames. The division between all of our religions is absolutely crazy. After 9/11 Muslims couldn’t walk across the street without being harmed.  Even in today’s world there is still religious discrimination.

The Holocaust was a minor inconvenience because It could have been fixed easily with Courthalisism, which is a brand new religion. Courthalisism meets all the criteria to be the only religion in the world. Having only one religion would make the world a much more peaceful place to live. Making only one religion would save people and the government money because they wouldn’t have to support all different religions and fund churches and such. This would also calm the separation between church and state because everyone celebrates one religion so it would be okay that students had a faculty lead prayer, or if a coach wanted to pray before a game. Courthalisism only worships a person. Hinse the name, they worship Courtney Lanoue.

Courthalisism would be a bit like the ten commandments but with a little bit more fun and exciting things added to them. They would be called courtmandments. There are really simple requests. Like no theft because as learned from the kite runner theft is more than just stealing someone’s watch it is stealing the opportunity for that person to be on time and then them possibly missing out on love because they were late. The second commandment would be no one gets left behind because leaving people is just a cruel thing to do. The third would be to fall in love and marry anyone you would like because love is love and we don’t judge. The fourth would be on sundays instead of meeting at a church or synagogue, etc everyone meets at the beach for a good surfing session. The fifth would be, everyone eats chicken and vegetables and can decide themselves whether or not they want to eat pork, beef, and fish. Three weeks out of the year (the first week of April, the second week of November, and the third week of January) ice cream may not be eaten. Dairy is not god for the digestive system and we should give our stomachs a break. Everyone must watch Cody Ko’s new youtube video within one hour of it being posted because he is amazing and deserves views. The eighth commandment would be everyone has to know at least one other language because we want to be able to understand our friends from different countries and ethnicities. The ninth would be every wednesday you must wear pink as a tribute to the movie mean girls. The movie is iconic and deserves to be worshipped and loved by everyone for years to come. The last commandment is on March 14th of every year we all eat pie and celebrate the leader Courtney’s birthday and because it is a religious holiday there will be no school and lots of presents will be given out.

There are lots of reasons why combining all religions into one wouldn’t work. But it is so much more fun to do so than it is to do anything else. There are way too many advantages than disadvantages to combining all the religions into Courthalisism. This religion would give many people a new outlook on life, it would make people see how fun things could be if we didn’t worry about what religion someone was or worry about why someone isn’t eating pork. If we all just accepted each other for who we are everything would be chill and groovy.

There are plenty of ways for religious conflicts to come to a stop. One way is to just love and accept everyone for who they are. Everyone is perfect and shouldn’t be treated differently. In a recent case study students have found the best way to stop conflict is the four D’s, which are Disavow, discuss, develop, and delegate. By disavow it means end violence. Stopping a fight does not mean the end violence they must make a political statement saying they do not support violence whatsoever. The second stage is discussion which basically means talking about the different religions and respecting one another when talking. Discussion is not just about talking however. It is about listening and understanding what the other person or group has said. People have argued that there has been many discussions referring to religion, which is true. That does not mean we are discussing the correct things. Everything is either black or white there is only a yes and a no. For example a lot of the discussions have been about marriage, evolution. The next step is develop meaning produce actual ways to become a unit instead of separation. You have to create infrastructures, national cultures, and values that won’t break but make each other stronger. The last step is delegating, which means to just maintain everything put in place by the first three steps. Making sure everyone is happy and peaceful. However, worshipping a fun loving, and amazing person is so much more fun. Give me the beat boy and free my soul I wanna get lost in your rock and roll.

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