Why I Want to be a Pediatrician | Teen Ink

Why I Want to be a Pediatrician

January 22, 2019
By analearmann SILVER, Welch, Minnesota
analearmann SILVER, Welch, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you didn't already know I love kids, babies, and any kid under the age of seven. I pretty much grew up at a daycare across the street from the school. Its owned by Lori, my godmother, and foster mother. We have had many memories over the years. I think when I realized my love for kids was when I was considered a big kid and could help Lori. Just taking care of kids to me never gets old. You're always doing something whether it's stopping Oaklyn form swearing at her cousins. Having to clean up Penelope´s poop that went up to her back. Grabbing chicken poop out from baby Annalynne´s mouth, there's never a dull moment. Those couple stories, which are all true. Sparked my interest in why I want to work in pediatrics. My essay will involve three reasons why I want to work in this field. My love for kids, the working environment, and taking care of people. The first reason is where my love for kids started.

My love for kids started at Lori's daycare. Ever since I can remember Lori has known my family. In fact, she was the reason we got adopted. She plays a big role in my life and has taught me everything I know about children. I grew up watching her take care of everyone including me. Once I became ¨school aged¨ or ¨a big kid¨ as she calls it, I could help her out. That's when I really knew that I loved babies. It didn't matter if I had to change a diaper or cleaning up puke, I did it. At times I would question why I asked to be on baby duty. I then realized that I have baby fever. I love babies and children. I think that they're so cute and funny. Especially toddlers, they're like little-drunk people falling all over the place. Unable to walk straight and mixing up their words all the time. It's so adorable and I would never get bored growing up in this environment. Always being surrounded by kids and having to take care of them is why I think I want to pursue this career. Onto the second reason, the working environment.

The working environment also made me want to work in the pediatrics department. Doctor´s offices are always clean and organized. It's not whether I choose to be organized or not, I have to. I don't want to risk mixing up patients info or contaminating supplies used on patients. I have a bit of OCD when it comes to school and things like it. I´m not just saying that, it actually runs in my family. If I ask any of my friends they would know I still use a planner, which some say is stupid, but it actually helps. I just have to stay really organized. I can not just shove a packet we’re doing in my backpack, that drives me nuts. Therefore this seems like the perfect working environment for me. I also need to stay busy, the minute I get bored I´m done. I don't want to have a boring job that I would not enjoy for the rest of my life. I know from experience taking care of kids will definitely keep me busy for the day. On behalf of me wanting things to be clean, organized, and keep me busy. This seems like the perfect career option for me. Lastly, taking care of kids.

Taking care of kids is just something that comes naturally to me. I have been helping Lori for a while. I have a good sense of when they don't feel well or if they need something. I also think my adoption has something to do with it. As many people know Lexie, Aleya and I were all adopted. I´m not going to get into details, but I feel like because of that lack of attention that was needed at such a young age. I realized, like any normal human being would, that no child should go through that. From there I always feel the need to make sure every kid is happy or getting the attention they need when I am at Lori's babysitting. I think because of my adoption and what happened to my sisters and I, there's this weird gut feeling I have to take care of kids. I am always making sure that they’re happy. My background taught me to think of babysitting from a different perspective than most people would. That's one of the reasons I care for kids so much and why I want to take it with me in the future.

Whether I am cleaning up poop off of Oaklyn or wiping up baby puke; becoming a ¨big kid¨ at Lori's is where it all started. It's the main reason why I want to work in this field. I have Lori to thank for that and a lot of opportunities I have been given in life. My love for kids, the working environment, and taking care of kids are all reasons why I want to work in Pediatrics when I am older. So if I think about it, it makes sense for me to want to work in that environment. Also, as one of my career options in general. I´ll continue to go to Lori´s and help her with her daycare kids, even though most of them are her grandkids. Then take all of what I learned into college and hopefully the medical field of pediatrics.

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