Time-eater | Teen Ink


January 22, 2019
By Spherical BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
Spherical BRONZE, Ventnor, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself

The good things are the ones that make you forget the time. The ones that make you want to not do anything else except that activity. For some people it may be dance, or swimming, or Boy Scouts, or racing, but everyone has that one good activity. Mine came to light in the 5th grade, an amazing time, because at that time your interests are really starting to appear. It was a fall day when i was called out of class, followed by a crescendoing oooooohhh from my classmates, to go to the principal's office. Now, when you are in the fifth grade, are getting called to the principal's office, and have to do the long walk dow the hallway, the entire time you're searching through your entire memory bank, trying to see what you did wrong. I couldn't think fast enough, so i stood outside of the door for a few extra seconds trying to think of everything i did. After three seconds of predicting my inevitable demise, i took a deep breath, and barged into the principal's office, ready for, "the talk." I toughed myself up for nothing, considering all i had to do was go down to the band room to Mr. Vanderstruck(At this time, take a few seconds cause that's a tricky last name). I walked into the band room ready to have a talk about some type of music. I sat down, and he brought out three mouthpeices, a trumpet's, a flute's, and a saxophone's. I took about a minute for each, every time making a squeak, followed by a depressing grumble. But I L-O-V-E-D it. I was running out of time, however, so i took a chance and picked the one that felt, sounded, and looked the best... the saxophone. For the past three years i have played the saxophone, and they were three years of absolute joy. Now, it is my 8th grade year and saxophone has become something totally different. Playing the baritone saxophone is an inescapable high that eats away my time, commands me to do no other activity, except it, and fills me with joy like nothing else. So think, what to you is my saxophone, what is your time-eater.

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