Voices of LBHS | Teen Ink

Voices of LBHS

February 25, 2019
By skyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
skyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When people notice me they always take a second look, or a few glances. most of the time they’re not friendly. I've known why they take those few extra looks and i swear i can hear what they're thinking in those few seconds we lock eyes. “I wonder why she’s here”  or something similar to that .the way i look automatically brings attention to me. I feel unwelcome where i live almost like the looks are an invitation to leave. People treat me like my opinion doesn't matter. When i walk down the halls at my school i can feel people make faces at me as if i can't see. Maybe i am overthinking this..or maybe i am like a duck in a chickens den. No matter how many looks i get I will continue to ignore them and i will continue being me.


my mom and dad had and still have a difficult and unhealthy relationship. I've alway known this due to my mom always telling me about the terrible things that were happening when my family was still together. Because of this my family was and still is extremely broken, i found it to be my responsibility to take care of my siblings as if i were their mom. I will never forgive my mom for abandoning her children at a time where we needed her most. I have only learned that you don't take the littlest things for granted. I am grateful for what i’ve gone thru because it taught me to be strong. Like my dad says “there will never be sunshine without a little bit of rain” those are the words i repeat when things get hard, just remember that light will come just wait out the rain.

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