sac, my home | Teen Ink

sac, my home

February 25, 2019
By skyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
skyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Sacramento is full of blue skies and art. Me and my family live in a lovely neighborhood, with lovely people, and parks. When I look out the passenger seat window in my dads car I see tall buildings, colorful lights almost like a decorated christmas tree. As we drive I see Friendly looking people walk down the street laughing while entering their favorite restaurant.

That's what the government wants all there tourist to hear. The reality of Sacramento is a bit different...well very different. Let me start over. My Sacramento is full of crime. Where almost every week I can hear a helicopter outside my bedroom window circling MY neighborhood announcing that there is another criminal on the loose. Where when I walk down the street I see the same people walking around with shopping carts wondering where they'll sleep tonight.

What’s even worse is that, MY neighbors put up a fence around their home because they're scared of the very people living next to them. I can smell the scent of weed on the very students that go to MY school. Kids here have to act like they’re grown just to support their family from going hungry. In the end all of these things don’t phase me. The truth that the government is hiding bothers me like crazy. The fact that OUR government can sleep at night knowing that there are people struggling  in THEIR city disgusts me.I'm writing this to spread awareness to all the the people that have not heard the full truth.

I hope that this essay helps people step up and tell their story. The full truth should be shown in all those commercials about how perfect Sacramento is.  


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