Life of Velma | Teen Ink

Life of Velma

March 6, 2019
By juliacottle BRONZE, Winter Garden, Florida
juliacottle BRONZE, Winter Garden, Florida
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“And your homecoming queen is… Velma!” Velma looked up to see everyone clapping and cheering for her. She didn’t particularly like the attention on her because of how humble she was. She thought it was an amazing accomplishment, but she didn’t take a lot of pride in it, because she knew there were more important things in life, and that this was a fleeting moment.

My mother, Velma is someone to look up to because of the way she lives every moment and doesn’t let her past define her future. She is an inspiration to people, because although she had a hard life, she didn’t let that get in the way of perusing her dreams and goals. She is someone to be admired and looked up to for her endless strength and positive way of living. She can be admired for how incredibly humble and uplifting she is.

Growing up, Velma lived in Puerto Rico for the first seven years of her lifetime, where there was a lot of crime and it was definitely not the most ideal place for a kid to live. However, she was relieved when her family moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where life was a lot safer and secure. It was an air force space and she thought that was more than she could ask for, because she was able to walk to school, ride her bike, and feel really safe. She would never really hear about any crime in that area. It was definitely an upgrade from where she previously lived. After that, she moved to Eldorado, Arkansas, which she found to be very fun and appealing because everyone knew each other, so it was a great atmosphere to be surrounded by.

In high school, Velma was captain of the cheerleading squad, and she was voted homecoming queen. Even with all of the recognition she received, she didn’t shadow away from her core morals and values. She has two older brothers who she was never very close to, because they had moved away due to competitive swimming, so it was the equivalent of a long distance relationship. Her younger sister was twelve years younger than she was, so they didn’t see much of each other either. The only sibling Velma was ever very close to was her older sister, because she looked up to her and wanted to be like her. She was very distant from her parents, and they never really “talked.” She didn’t have much to look up to because everyone was always extremely busy and no one ever really seemed to have time.

One of the most memorable times Velma had was the homecoming weekend, because everyone spent the night at her house after the football game, and they had a blast staying up until dawn.

The most influential relationship Velma has had is with her college roommate, Denise Post, who looked at life as something exquisitely beautiful to be cherished, and she lived each moment as if it was her last. Denise was not supposed to live longer than age three because she had a fatal heart condition. She passed away Velma’s last year in college, but although that was definitely traumatic and beyond heartbreaking for Velma, Denise made a lasting impact in Velma’s life because she showed her what it is like to truly be present each moment.

Velma’s biggest fear is that her children will go down the wrong path, and she really does want the best for all of them, so to see them do that would crush her heart. Her biggest regret is not coming to know God sooner. She believes that everything happens for a reason and that she wouldn’t change anything that has ever occurred. She states that, “Everything that happened served its purpose sooner or later, and led me to be the person I am now.

What helped Velma to get through some of the lowest moments of her life was by praying and trusting that everything would eventually turn out okay. Ultimately, nothing bad lasts forever.

Velma was very tired of dating immature men, and just when she was about to give up dating altogether, she met her husband. She gave James a chance, and on the first date she knew he was the man that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She went home and told her best friend that she just found the man that she wanted to marry. James was different, he made her laugh and he had qualities that no one else had. Velma’s greatest accomplishment was marrying James and having six kids.

Velma is a truly strong, stellar, compassionate, and inspiring human being. She has gone through some unbearable things that no one should have to endure throughout her lifetime, but she doesn’t let what she has gone through affect the present moment as well as the future. She never gives up, no matter what life throws at her. The strongest moral she lives by is living in the present moment. She believes that worrying is unnecessary and pointless. She believes that there are endless routes that you could take with your precious life. She likes to ask the question, “Which path will you take?”

The author's comments:

I really wanted to write a biography on my mother, Velma Cottle, because her life is beautifully lived, and I've always looked up to the person she has become.

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