Recreational Isn't So Recreational | Teen Ink

Recreational Isn't So Recreational

May 24, 2019
By Anonymous

The word recreational is defined in relation to a drug as “enjoyment rather to treat a medical condition.” In my eyes, I do not see the damages in memory and spatial navigation in the brain as fun. I don’t see a phlegmy cough or bronchitis as enjoyable. I don’t see the drop in students grades as a good thing. I don’t see drivers having slower judgment time while driving and getting into accidents as a boost for our well being. I don’t see the black market selling laced marijuana to people as enjoyable. These are all causes of legalizing the drug recreationally that defy the definition of the word.

The effects of marijuana on the brain are immense with people feeling paranoia, lack of concentration, incoordination, laziness and even having hallucinations. According to the Science Direct website, it is shown in animal studies done on rats and ongoing human studies that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in weed has caused problems with learning and memory tasks later in life because the hippocampus in the brain is changed functionally. The hippocampus helps function and store long term memory and spatial navigation. This isn’t the only area of the brain that is affected by marijuana, the VTA (ventral tegmental) is affected as well. The VTA is where the reward system and dopamine area of the brain is located. It is altered in the way that people will see getting high as a good effect and will likely keep doing the drug that they are on. This is common in most addicts where they will want a better high and will get into more serious drugs. This finding with the reward system brings in the thought of marijuana as a gateway drug. Weed doesn’t only affect the brain but can affect the body too.

People argue that there aren’t drastic physical changes on the outside of the body, but it’s what is happening on the inside to the lungs that can really cause some damage. According to the American Lung Association, the lungs can develop symptoms like increased phlegm production, damaged cells in airways, coughing or wheezing, damaged the immune system, bronchitis and even an increased chance of lung cancer. The eyes and mouth are also affected by smoking weed. The eyes get red because THC increases the expansion of blood vessels. While smoking marijuana, it is possible to burn the mouth or throat. All these effects can do harm to someone's personal life as well.

The Journal of School Health says that students who smoke just once a month were four times more likely to not go to class and about half as likely to get high grades. This is seen because of the effects of the brain. Students smoking marijuana are more lazy and have trouble remembering the things they do in class. This is terrible, but what’s even worse is when the students can’t even get to school. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drivers who have tested positive for THC went up 11.4% just one year after being legalized recreationally in Colorado and Washington in 2012. While high it becomes hard to multitask behind the wheel which is a needed skill when driving. Users will also drive slower, be less likely to switch lanes and have slower reaction and judgment time. All of this could result in more crashes. When the first four states legalized marijuana (Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska) crashed related to smoking weed went up 6%. The most controversial topic on the legalization of recreational marijuana is the crime rate.

While we would all think the crime rate would increase, it actually has lowered in the states where it is legal according to the Marijuana Break website. Though because it is a recent subject, it is hard to tell whether it is related to cannabis. This is only taken in the account of violent crimes like robbery, rape, home invasions, and homicide. Although in these states impaired driving has gone up which could lead to more vehicle-related deaths and accidents. One big problem with criminal activity is the black market. Gangs and other contributors to the black market are starting to grow weed in the legal states and are illegally transporting it. The black market will often take their weed and lace it with other more dangerous drugs such as ketamine or cocaine to draw more attention to addicts because the original product is now legal. They do this because the hype in doing the drug has gone down when it was legalized. This will always be a huge problem where crime will follow.

In conclusion, the legalization of recreational marijuana wouldn’t be fun or enjoyable as the word defines it as. The effects on the brain are immense by affecting memory and multitasking ability. The inner body can be harmed as well with the effects on the lungs and the mouth. Students grades are suffering because they struggle to retain information. It is hard to tell, but the violent crime rate has dropped a bit in the states where it is legal. Impaired driving has increased in the legal states because drivers have slower judgment time and lack the ability to multitask. All this leads to the result that a world with recreational marijuana wouldn’t be so enjoyable.

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