The Secret | Teen Ink

The Secret

May 31, 2019
By Anonymous

I see them disappear very slowly one by one. Confusion dreads my head as my best friend is the last one to go. I just sit there on my velvet sofa and feel empty. I must be dreaming… I have to be. 4 of my favorite people just disappeared out of nowhere. I open my eyes to an empty room where the TV blasts how I met your mother and my orange walls in my cherry sofa.

I get to school the next day and there they were. All four of them standing in the hallway talking. Where did they go last night? Were they even at my house? Why are they looking over at me like we used to look at Katy Rodges when she would try to be our friend after she framed Sarah for cheating on a test in 6th grade.

“Hey guys, did you come over to my house last night I had the craziest dream,” I say as they start to back up into the lockers and give me the stink eye. Why are they like this? Did I do something wrong? Am I still dreaming?

“Why would we want to hang out with YOU? After what you did. We don’t hang out with people who betray us the way you did.” Jannet says as they all walk away. I try to think of what I could have done. Was it because I didn’t hang out with them on Saturday? I had things to do. That’s when it hits me. I had not told them I was dating Trever until almost a month after we had been together.  

I now realize that they didn’t just get up and disappear in my dream; they had just left my life in reality over what I did.

I didn’t even get a chance to tell them why… I didn’t want to tell them right away because well I wasn’t really dating him; he was just helping me hide the true fact… That I am gay.

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