The Wilderness | Teen Ink

The Wilderness

September 30, 2022
By Johnny_Guitar GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Johnny_Guitar GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt of a world of beautiful chaos. I sat at home, eating french toast. As I reached for my water, I saw into it, surrounding me in the beautiful aquamarine of the Caribbean. Orcas swam beneath the surface, and the water seemed to stretch to the end of the Milky Way. The sky heaved and tumbled in a hurricane, only the word “what” coming to my mind. A world wild with imagination, crazed like Jack Churchill. The world is full of senseless words, and phrases, only meant to fill space. Be it hablaríamos, defenestration, or antidisestablishmentarianism, tell me why they are so overly stretched. An infinity of letters just to call something goofy. To a psychologist, good luck with that. You’d be better off strapping on Greek sandals and trying to fight the Nemean Lion. Like one of Homer’s Epics, the world is becoming more and more ambitious, insanity more common than the name Jack. And it is beautiful.

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