The Struggle of Being a Teenage Girl | Teen Ink

The Struggle of Being a Teenage Girl

May 31, 2023
By rjones16 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
rjones16 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish my hair was waivier and I was five eight. But instead I am five two and have straight hair that I scrunch every time I step out of the shower trying to give it some type of curl. I wish I didn’t look this fat, why can’t I be skinny. The young teenage girl looks at herself in the mirror and sees all the cracks and flaws about herself. She tries to piece everything together and realize the beauty in her, but all she sees are the flaws, brokenness, and imperfections with herself. She thinks, why am I like this if only I could be like her.

This shows the reality of being a teenage girl in this day and age. The social standards that are pushed on girls from such a young age that have lasting effects that never go away. Being a teenager is a very hard time in life. Everyone around you is constantly judging you for what you do, or what you look like. You take everything everyone says literally and to heart. No matter the amount of times you are told how pretty or beautiful you look it never gives you the satisfaction you need to realize the true beauty of yourself.

Love is the most powerful emotion that a human being can experience. Self love, being the most important aspect of this powerful emotion we experience. It is something you have to learn and teach yourself, and is not an easy thing to do. It takes a lot of time and work to have self love. This picture really sums up how hard self love is in this day and age and how girls are so hard on themselves. True self love encourages us to appreciate our own uniqueness and know the extent to our strengths. Through this process of self love we begin to love not only our strengths but also our flaws and these are the things that make us us, and the way we are. So, if I had some words to say about the way to love yourself it would be as follows. Perfection is not what to strive for. Perfection is a dream. Perfection is not everything, loving yourself is.

The author's comments:

This piece was a reply to a picture prompt on the New York Times Website. This picture prompt is titled Cracked Mirror and was published on the website on February 23, 2023.

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