How to Pass Notes | Teen Ink

How to Pass Notes

May 22, 2010
By Luis13 BRONZE, Apopka, Florida
Luis13 BRONZE, Apopka, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Do you Hate mouthing words you want to say your friends and they don't understand what you’re saying? Well now I’m going to teach you how to pass notes. As long as you got a paper and a pencil, and your good go.

All you need is to make sure nobody is looking at you to tell on you. Make sure while you’re writing it your class work is hidden under the note so when your teacher comes around you can easily switch it from note to class work.

Now when you’re writing it make sure it’s only readable for u and the person you’re passing it to. NOT the teacher cause if it is well good luck.

When you pass your notes make sure you say who you’re passing it to and it’s someone you can trust that they won’t read it. I have been in that situation before and it was not fun.

The best part about passing notes during class is that it’s something private other people won’t see you mouthing it and people can see what you’re trying to say. That’s the beauty of passing notes.
The worst part about passing notes is if you get caught. The teacher might make you read it in front of the whole class, or they might read it for you.

In conclusion, passing notes are easy and fun just don’t get caught and pass it to people you can trust. Now to refresh, all you need is paper pencil and the ability to sneak around the teacher cause if u can’t, well good luck.

The author's comments:
I thought it was funny. When the teacher assigned it i thought it would be a great idea to writ it.
Hope you all enjoy it.

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