Whatever Happens Happens | Teen Ink

Whatever Happens Happens

December 13, 2007
By Anonymous

“Whatever happens happens” is what I always say. It’s what I live by. Often what happens in life cannot be controlled, but it always works out in the end. I believe that everything happens for a reason.

As most of you probably know, volleyball is my favorite sport and I have been on the team for two years. This year was a little different; we were getting a new player from out-of-state. No one here had met her yet. Our first real practice everyone knew she would be there. The entire team was nervously waiting to meet her. When practice finally began she quickly walked through the door. By the end of practice everyone was amazed. It is December now, and the season has ended, but our team made it to districts and only lost two games. The new girl turned out to be one of the best players on the team.

When I was in third grade my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Although I was young and didn’t really know what cancer was, I could tell something was terribly wrong. My mom always had doctors' appointments and spent most of her time at the hospital. My dad was sad a lot. One year later my mom was cancer free and my daddy was smiling and joking once again. I think we all knew why she became sick. It made me aware of how much they mean to me and it brought us closer than ever.

In January of 2006 I got some surprising news. My parents had dropped a bomb. “We are moving.” My dad paused. My heart was racing as I listened closely. “To Kentucky…” He said to end his sentence. My whole world had suddenly changed with one sentence. How could I ever leave the place where I had lived my entire life? I tried convincing them to let me stay, but nothing worked. All they would tell me is “Don’t worry about it, everything will be fine.” Two months later we loaded up the moving van and drove six hours to our new home. I was shocked. But I had some faint voice telling me that everything happens for a reason and that it will all be okay. Sure enough, it has almost been two year since then. I love it here! It’s a whole lot better than Michigan.

“You can’t fight fate.” In my experiences, this quote has never been wrong. I believe that everything happens for a reason.

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