Changes | Teen Ink


January 18, 2008
By Anonymous

I realized how far I was from home when I started to get more and more mail everyday. There was like, more then 20 mails, in my inbox each day. All of my friends were writing to me, asking me about my trip was and the place I was at. Concord is really far from where I used to live. I don’t exactly know how far but I do know that it is almost half way around the world. It took almost three days to reach here by plane, so I can imagine how far that really is.

Comparing both the places, I can see that there’s a lot of difference. First of all, it’s a totally different country, with a totally different kind of people and totally different culture and environment. Along with the place I am at, I have also gone through a lot of other changes in my life. I used to eat at Alina’s Bakery, but now its McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts. I had to wear a uniform to school but now I can wear anything I want to. I used to go to a girls’ school but now I study in a co-ed school. Then, my friends, I mean all my good friends at living back in KTM (that’s the short form for Kathmandu). Not that I don’t have friends here, its just that I don’t have friends like I used to, like hanging out, having fun and talking to each other daily. Everything’s changed.

There’s another change in myself, which came across me just as I was writing, just like a sudden hard gust of wind when I used to sit on the roof of my house talking to my friends. I used to be a cell phone maniac. You know, like carrying it all the time, not letting any elders of my family go through my contacts and texts. Dropped the cell phone to the floor and even in a bucket of water a couple of times, but still kept it working. And now I actually don’t even own one, and I don’t even want to. That’s probably because I don’t have nobody with whom I would want to talk over the phone.

Now that I’m writing about changes, it’s not just me who’s changed. I’ve seen a lot of change in other people too, especially my friends. I don’t know if they are really changing. They might still have the same personality that they used to; I’ve just come to realize and see their true colors. People who I thought were the best are turning out to be the worst. People who were supposed to be the funny and carefree are actually turning out to be people who take stuff seriously. Even relationships have changed. Best friends are turning into enemies and enemies to friends. . I knew things would change with time, but never knew it would be this fast.

Now, I don’t get as much mails like I used to. But in the last 9 and half months, I’ve realized that life’s about changes. We just need to know that there’s a reason our past didn’t make it to our present. Sometimes it’s really hard to let go of what you were used to but eventually, you’ll be okay. Letting go doesn’t always mean that we are weak; it sometimes means that we’re strong enough to let go.

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