Screaming faces | Teen Ink

Screaming faces

July 1, 2012
By mlynne14 SILVER, Toledo, Ohio
mlynne14 SILVER, Toledo, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Screaming faces. The broken hearts, and death of races. 5,000,000 people are no more. Burned to death by the war. The stood there and took persecution, hoping and praying for the end of the Final Solution. The killings went on for years, no one around to see their tears. Families were torn apart, nothing could ever heal their broken hearts. All around them was death and despair, like the trees in the fall going bare. The fallen leaves are nothing now. The screaming faces, just a harsh memory, they're in a better place now.

The author's comments:
This poem was written about a memorial to those who perished in the Holocaust.

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