I Strive to Be an American Patriot | Teen Ink

I Strive to Be an American Patriot

November 4, 2007
By Anonymous

Everyone’s interpretation of an American Patriot is different, but in my opinion, an American Patriot is equivalent to a good citizen. They are the people who continuously try, day in and day out, to make America a better place to live. The people who go out of their way to help others whenever they can. The people who fight for our country and support our troops who work so hard to protect America. American Patriots are bald eagles, representing the United States of America. I strive to be an American Patriot!
First of all, American Patriots are actively involved in their communities. I do lots of volunteering which helps make my community a happier place. As a member of the National Junior Honor Society, I am constantly involved in many activities. I’ve helped with ‘horse races’ at a local retirement home to entertain the elderly, raised money for the Polar Bear Plunge to support the Special Olympics, planted beach grass, and participated in a walk for autism. Outside of honor society, I volunteer in my church every Sunday and help in the nursery. By doing this, I am relieving parents by giving them an opportunity to worship God. While volunteering my time for others, I am becoming an American Patriot.
Secondly, American Patriots are leaders. They are beacons, lighting the way for others to follow. All three years in middle school I have been a captain in gym. With this honor, it is my responsibility to lead my classmates and be a good example for them to follow. I am also a captain on my hockey team. As a captain, I help sixth graders who are unfamiliar with the game and others who are confused. During school, I help my peers around me better understand their assignments. They now look up to me as a leader and an American Patriot.

All American citizens can become American Patriots; it just takes a little time and effort. To be an American Patriot, I don’t have to prove anything to anyone, and there’s no external reward. I just feel good in my heart knowing I am doing all I can to brighten someone else’s day and make America a better place to live.

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