It Doesn't Have To Be Torture | Teen Ink

It Doesn't Have To Be Torture

September 1, 2008
By Anonymous

“Our last day to live.”

That was the facebook status of one of my friends a day before school started. I felt the same way, and so did my other friends.

So there I was, nervous and miserable. It’s very cliched, but summer holidays fly by and school days drag on forever. I was dreading school and all the problems it would bring with it; studies, homework, waking up at ungodly hours, and sitting on a small wooden chair for seven periods learning algebra.

I told my aunt about how I felt about going ot school, and she helped me change my attitude.First, she told me to list the things I hate about school, and try to make them better. Her advice was to think of the good things about school and look forward to them. In my case, it was English, recess,friends and library periods.

Last year, I had come home crying on the first day of school because it had been horrible. I was expecting something like that this year but surprisinglyit was okay. I got good teachers and had friends in the same class.

Everyone had told me that grade 9 is really difficuilt, but I realized that it’s not….if you study regularly, that is. Even though the size of my Urdu textbook still scares me, I know that I can manage. And English class is really fun, except for the fact that everyone picks this period to misbehave.

Even though we get loads of homework and assignments, and have to study a lot,school is quite tolerable. There will be some bad days but I can deal with these problems if I work hard. I know that I’ll live through this.

The author's comments:
I used to detest school.On Sundays I would be crying because I did not want to go to school the next day.But this year I realized that since I have to go, I might as well work hard and try to change my attitude.And this worked.I no longer hate school.

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This article has 1 comment.

danny:) said...
on Sep. 6 2008 at 8:17 am
wow!! this is a relli good article!