Alone | Teen Ink


March 30, 2013
By Megs101 SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
Megs101 SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She’s been alone her whole life. Her parents have been divorced since she was one. Her mom doesn’t understand her, but her dad does. She has plenty of friends that cheer her up, but what makes her unhappy is that she doesn’t have a complete happy family. She goes to school every day, acting like nothing is wrong when something is. She’s always sad but laughs every now and then. She’s grateful for what she haves but wishes she had a full and happy family like everyone else. She loves hanging out with her friends whenever she can. If her dad wants to see her, she would rather be with him than her friends. To her family is the most important thing in her life. She lives with her mom and only gets to see her dad a couple of times every two to three months. He is the only one who understands her. He understands her sadness, her happiness, and her hope. He wishes that he could spend time with her more and she wishes the same. Some people might not understand why but that’s why she doesn’t tell anyone because they won’t understand. Her friends don’t know what she is going through except for one but when she tries to tell her friend she never listens. Her friend talks about herself and her issues on how they’re worse and she listens but it’s never the other way around. So she still has no one to talk to. Some people know that she has a half-sister but she doesn’t like to talk about her because she doesn’t see her as much as she gets to see her dad. This makes her even sadder. Her sister is not even half her age so they don’t get along that well even though they love each other. She wishes she had that full family but she thinks that it’s just the way it’s supposed to be.

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